Our Eye Care Products
Custom Eyewear & Contacts

Eco-friendly Frame Lines

We will donate $5 to Spokane Riverkeepers to keep our local river clean with a purchase from these lines.
Custom Digital Lenses
No two people see the world exactly the same way. That’s why custom digital lens design is based on your prescription, posture, and frame. This technology shapes your lens design to maximize viewing ranges and virtually eliminate distortions in peripheral vision, so you can effortlessly focus in all directions. Hoya lenses are used on the space shuttle and in todays advanced medical devices, we are proud to offer them in our clinic. Read more about them here.

More than just a PD measurement-we use 5 different measurements taken with Optikam to provide our patients the highest level of clarity in Zeiss Lenses.
Custom Digital Lens Benefits
- COMPLETELY PERSONALIZED LENS – Revolutionary technology factors in your
occupation, hobbies and visual habits - BALANCED VIEW CONTROL – Patented computer evaluation pinpoints and corrects distorted areas on your lenses
- PERSONALIZED FITTINGS – Your head and neck preferences ensure perfect placement and maximum comfort
- CLEAREST PERIPHERAL VISION – The smoothest adaptations possible between all viewing ranges and angles
- SIGNIFICANTLY MORE COMFORTABLE – Allows for natural eye and head movement throughout your day
Contact Lenses for all Your Needs
A lot has changed in how we use our eyes over the past 10 years. Did you know we blink up to 30% less when starring at a computer screen? This can accelerate your tears from evaporating and is one of the main reasons we are seeing more patients with dry eyes who have struggled to find a contact lens that can keep up with their lifestyle.
Fortunately, advancements in contact lens technology aims to meet this demand with more breathable and better hydrated lenses to keep tears on our eyes and meet the demand of our digital world. Come try on the latest advancements in contact lenses at our office.
Our Promise to You: When you purchase an annual supply of lenses we will warranty them for you, so when you come back next year and if your prescription changes, we will swap out any unopened boxes for your updated prescription.
Contact Lenses we Carry